Target Group: Priests & Religious Interested in Personal Growth, Deepening their Spiritual Life and Leading Happier and more Committed Lives.
Contents: Consecrated Life, Spiritual Direction, Midlife Transition, Prayer, Enneagram Personality Test, Formation of Conscience, Psycho-sexual Integration & Celibacy, Holistic Health and Guided Retreat.
Contribution | : | ` 22,500.00 |
Target Group: The Lay Staff of our Institutions; Members of Pious Associations of Our Parishes and Salesian Family Members, who can follow the Sessions and Communicate in English.
Contents: “Baptism has the Highest Dignity,” As the Recent Synod says: We, Believers, are bound to keep Our Eyes Focussed on Jesus, Live as He has shown and taught Us, and do Our Part to bear Witness to Him and Increase the Goodness in the World. In this, Lay Persons, Religious and Priests are Partners who can Learn from One Another and Support One Another in Our Life and Mission. In this Short Program, we want to listen to Each Other, listen to Church Teachings on Life, Mission and Ministry, and Challenge Ourselves to be Credible and Inspiring Witnesses.
Contribution | : | ` 4,800.00 |
Target Group:Leaders of Salesian Communities
Contents: The Salesian Rector’s Manual, Animation & Authority in Governing the Communities, Assessment of Candidates, Diversity Management, Administration & Financial Accountability, Canon Law & Legal Issues, Spiritual & Pastoral Accompaniment, Community Life, Documentation, Holistic Health & Selfcare.
Contribution | : | ` 18,000.00 |
Target Group: Priests & Religious Interested in Using the Occasion of their Silver Jubilee to Deepen their Commitment and Grow into Happier Persons.
Contents:Consecrated Life, Spiritual Direction, Midlife Transition, Emotions and Healing of Hurts, Prayer Life, Congregational Charism, Formation of Conscience, Psycho-sexual Integration & Celibacy, Holistic Health and Directed Retreat.
Contribution | : | ` 24,300.00 |
Target Group:Persons Involved / Interested in Counselling, e.g. in the Formation Houses, in the Educational & Technical Settings, in the Hospitals, Hostels, Boardings and orphanages, in Parishes and Priestly Ministry, but have no Advanced Professional Training in the Subject.
Contents: Therapeutic Counselling (Models and Approaches), Listening Skills, Healing of Emotions, Supervised practice of Counselling and Spiritual Direction and pastoral Accompaniment.
Contribution | : | ` 18,000.00 |
Target Group:Persons Involved / Interested in Spiritual Direction, e.g. in the Formation Houses, in the Educational Settings or in the Priestly Ministry.
Contents: Introduction to Spiritual Direction, Qualities of the Spiritual Director, Confidentiality and Ethics of Spiritual Direction, Guided Practice of Spiritual Direction, Experience of Receiving and Giving Spiritual Direction, Guided Readings on the Topic.
Contribution | : | ` 11,400.00 |
Target Group: Priests, Religious and Laity who wish to make a Silent Retreat with the Help of a Guide,
Contents and procedure:Silent Prayer with the Word of God - the Whole Day. One Short
Conference in the Morning to Introduce the Day’s Theme and Bible Passages. Meeting with a Spiritual
Director Every Day. Confessors Available & Sacrament of Reconciliation will be Organized on a Day
Contribution | : | ` 7,000.00 |
Target Group: Priests & Religious Engaged in the Formation Ministry and Laity who are Involved in the Formation of Clergy / Religious in a Significant Way.
Contents:The Person of the Formator, Assessment of Candidates, Vocational Motivation & Discernment, Psycho-Cultural Aspects of Formation, Formation to Prayer, Consecrated Life, Spiritual
Direction & Pastoral accompaniment, Psychology of Human Development, Enneagram and Community Building, Psycho- Sexual Integration & Celibacy, Group Counselling. Challenges in Formation today.
Contribution | : | ` 21,600.00 |
Target Group: Priests & Religious Interested in Personal Growth, Deepening their Spiritual Life and Leading Happier and more Committed Lives.
Contents:Consecrated Life, Spiritual Direction, Midlife Transition, Prayer, Enneagram Personality Test, Formation of Conscience, Psycho-sexual Integration & Celibacy, Holistic Health and Guided Retreat.
Contribution | : | ` 21,600.00 |
Target Group: Salesians and Members of the Salesian Family in their Last Year before Final Vows.
Contents:Orientation & Assessment of the Past, Consecrated Life, Community, Prayer, Mission, Discernment, Psycho-Sexual Integration & Celibacy, Group Counselling and Guided Retreat.
Contribution | : | ` 26,700.00 |
Target Group: Priests & Religious Interested in Personal Growth, Deepening their Spiritual Life and Leading Happier and more Committed Lives.
Contents:Consecrated Life, Spiritual Direction, Midlife Transition, Prayer, Enneagram Personality Test, Formation of Conscience, Psycho-sexual Integration & Celibacy, Holistic Health and Guided Retreat.
Contribution | : | ` 21,600.00 |
Target Group: Young Salesian Priests who are in the Sixth or Seventh year of their Priestly Ministry and Salesian Brothers of that age group. (Quinquennium Salesians)
Contents:Decision Making Process, Conflict Management, Inner Healing, Holistic Health, Psycho- sexual Maturity & Celibacy, Salesian Pastoral Accompaniment, Spiritual Accompaniment and Counselling.
Contribution | : | ` 14,250.00 |
Target Group:Priests & Religious interested in Personal Growth, Deepening their Spiritual Life and Leading Happier and more Committed Lives. Open to Sabbaticals.
Contents:Consecrated Life, Spiritual Direction, Midlife / Post-Midlife Transition, Prayer, Enneagram Personality Test, Helps for a Meaningful, Creative & Productive Life, Issues Affecting the Age, Media Usage; Forgiveness and Healing of Hurts, Growing Gracefully, Holistic Health and Guided Retreat.
Contribution | : | ` 22,500.00 |
Target Group:Salesians and Members of the Salesian Family in their Last Year before Final Vows.
Contents:Orientation & Assessment of the Past, Consecrated Life, Community, Prayer, Mission, Discernment, Psycho-Sexual Integration & Celibacy, Group Counselling and Guided Retreat.
Contribution | : | ` 26,700.00 |
Rector/ Programme Director
Don Bosco Renewal Centre, SOS Post,
Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore 560 076, India,